12 November 2006

Research Tips (1): Published market research

The first thing to do in researching a leisure market is to find out if the work's already been done for you!

Published market research (MR) reports from UK companies like Key Note or Mintel will provide, at the bare minimum:

• Market sizes, growth trends, market segmentation

• Consumer statistics: penetration, profiles, attitudes (for original research)

• Supplier analysis: major companies, brands shares, distribution channels

• Strategic discussion and forecasts (including economic context)

Expect to pay at least £400 for a detailed report (eg Key Note's Betting & Gaming 2006 £420) although Snapdata has filled a gap with more basic reports, UK and international (eg Brazil Beer 2006, £150).

Any Web search for published MR will immediately highlight UK publishers. This isn't a "push" by the search engines, just a recognition of how highly developed MR publishing has been in the UK since the 1970s, particularly in a European context. Major publishers like Euromonitor and Datamonitor are leading international sources of business information.

All these well-established publishers pre-date the MR report portals like Marketresearch.com, where a Quick Search on the home page for "UK Beer" comes up with a dozen reports, mainly from the publishers mentioned above but also some drinks specialists (eg Canadean). Apart from the cost of these reports, the main problem is that you are lucky to find a report published within the last twelve months, so some updating (sales, mergers etc) is almost bound to be necessary.

Karen Blakeman's site (www.rba.co.uk/sources/mr.htm) is an excellent starting point for finding published reports.